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Taiwan Shilin District Prosecutors Office:Back to homepage



  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-11-14
  • View count:1831


Under the supervision of prosecutors, the probation officers are responsible for probation affairs. The Object of Probation:

1. Probation on parole

2. Probation after suspension of execution

3. Probation instead of other penalties Contents of Probation:

a. Career guidance

b. Education guidance 3. Medical-Care guidance

c. Housing guidance

d. Mental guidance

e. Family guidance

f. Legal guidance The Characteristics of Probation:

(1) Combine social resources: We actively cooperate with vocational training institutes, religious, public interest, after-care, educational, cultural, and community organizations and groups. Therefore, a network of counseling and assistance has been established.

(2) Provide guidance: We interview and/or visit probationers individually to provide guidance. Besides, telephone follow-ups and volunteers also help a lot in providing guidance.

(3) Group guidance: We have designed several groups, whose topics include working, education, physical and mental health, family, recreation, social, law, religion and career plans, for the need of the probationers. We hope to help the probationers to adapt themselves to the society and have a better future.

(4) Classify the probationers: In order to prevent the probationers from committing crimes again, we classify them and provide reinforced guidance and supervision on felons and repeated offenders.

(5) Promote the function of volunteers: We carefully choose and train volunteers and let them provide counseling and assistance to the probationers in the communities.

(6) Provide better public service: Probationers may report to their probation officers on weekends or send written report instead if they have to work during weekdays.

(7) Deal with the compulsory work for suspension of prosecution. Enforce urine test under the anti-durg laws.

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