- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:113-12-02
- 資料點閱次數:1554
今天上午8時30分在台北市士林區下樹林街1之1號發現一起疑似兇殺命案,一對70歲夫婦經其子發現陳屍家中,本署主任檢察官吳廣莉及外勤檢察官吳爾文獲報後即於中午12時許偕同法醫前往現場相驗,初步認為兩名死者疑似遭人勒斃,但詳細的死因尚待今天下午解剖後送法務部法醫研究所鑑定,才能確認。目前檢警鎖定死者夫婦之伊拉克籍女婿1988年出生之ALIHAMMAD JOMAAH涉有重嫌,但該名嫌犯已於108年4月30上午8時許攜同其1歲多的幼子搭機離境。檢察官已於上午對該名伊拉克籍男子發出拘票請內政部移民署協助實施入出境管制。檢警後續將透過一切可能管道搜尋該名嫌犯下落,同時也籲請民眾協助提供本案偵查之線索及該名嫌犯之行蹤,以期早日將其緝捕到案。
Statement of Double Murder Case in Shilin by Taiwan Shilin District Prosecutors Office
At 8:30 this morning, a suspected murder case was discovered at No. 1 of Xishulin Street, Shilin District, Taipei City, where a married 70-year-old couple has been found dead by his son.
After receiving the notification, Head Prosecutor of Taiwan Shilin District Prosecutors Office, Kuang-li Wu, and Prosecutor on duty, Erh-wen Wu had went to the crime scene with the medico legal physician at 12 noon to carry out an autopsy, which was preliminarily believed that the two deceased were suspected of being strangled to death by someone
, however, the detailed cause of death cannot be confirmed until being examined after the anatomy sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine ,Ministry of Justice this afternoon.
At present time, prosecutors and police, on investigation, have been targeting on Alihammad Jumaah, Iraq nationality and born in 1988, who was the son-in-law of the deceased couple, to be suspected of involving the crime. However, the suspect had departed from the Republic of China (Taiwan) by airplane with his one-year-old son at 8 am on April 30, 2019. Prosecutors has issued an arrest warrant for the Iraq man this morning and requested the Immigration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to assist in the implementation of the entry and exit control. Prosecutors and police will follow up on any possible ways to search for the whereabouts of the suspect, and we also appeal to the public to assist in providing clues to the investigation and the track of the suspect, hoping to arrest him as early as possible.